Lighter view for events and center align

This sample features the month, week and day views showing the events with a more lighter view: a color border is used instead filled backgrounds and the text is centered. The tooltips are already enabled for this sample; to enable the tooltips you can do that by checking the tooltip checkbox in the visual configuration or just by setting parameter "showtooltipdwm" to "true", this is also explained in other demos. To get the more lighter view you should add the styles indicated below.

Parameters Styles Instructions
The CSS Style should be set at the end of the CSS file "wp-content/plugins/cp-multi-view-calendar/DC_MultiViewCal/css/main.css".

The parameters should be added into the "Other Parameters" box. These parameters must be comma separated and will overwrite the initial configuration selected for the calendar.

The "Other Parameters" box can be found in the following location (click to enlarge image):