Tooltip displayed on month,week and day view

In this sample, when you click over an event, a floating tooltip panel with additional information is displayed. This type of tooltip is available for the month, week and day views. The n-Month view has a different type of tooltip panel. To enable the tooltips, the parameter "showtooltipdwm" must be set to "true" (or enable it by checking the checkbox in the visual configuration) and in this case we have set the "height" parameter to "400" to fix the height. In addition to these parameters, add also the styles mentioned below as instructed.

Parameters Styles Instructions
The CSS Style should be set at the end of the CSS file "wp-content/plugins/cp-multi-view-calendar/DC_MultiViewCal/css/main.css".

The parameters should be added into the "Other Parameters" box. These parameters must be comma separated and will overwrite the initial configuration selected for the calendar.

The "Other Parameters" box can be found in the following location (click to enlarge image):