Showing the n-Days view

With this view you can display many days in a view similar to the single day view. First you should enable the "nDays" view and then set the number of days to view on each calendar page. The parameter are viewNDays:true for enabling the view, numberOfDays:10 for setting the number of days and viewdefault:"nDays" to make it the default view if needed.

If you want to change the title tag "Days" to something else, you can do that by opening the language file (ex: "wp-content/plugins/cp-multi-view-calendar/DC_MultiViewCal/language/multiview_lang_en-GB.js" for the English language), locate where says "ndays":"Days", and change that to (for example) "ndays":"something else",.

The parameters should be added into the "Other Parameters" box. These parameters must be comma separated and will overwrite the initial configuration selected for the calendar.

The "Other Parameters" box can be found in the following location (click to enlarge image):